Call for beta testers !

UPDATE :  Beta program is ending, we have finally reached Release Candidate status, just a few more internal tests at GameCenter and in-app purchase implementation, then we will submit !!!  Great thanks to all that applies and to who participated ! Sorry if we didn’t manage to reply to all beta request, but work on the game has been going on at inhuman pace and we receive way more beta participant requests than we expected…  Again, great thanks to all !


We are looking for 5/7 additional beta testers among actual Rc Plane and Heli users,  if you are interested in playing a pre-release version of RC Plane 2.  Selected beta testers will be requested to provide some fast feedback about the various game modes and playability of RC Plane, should be available for about 1 hour per week of testing at least..

Interested candidates should email the following informations :

  • Name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Device Hardware version
  • Device software version (ios 3.x or 4.x )
  • You fly real RC products (planes or helis) ?
  • Have you ever used a pc RC Simulator connected to a Rc transmitter ?
  • Previous beta testing experiences ? (not required)
  • Device UDID (select your device in itunes, left click the “serial number :” in the first tab) ?
  • RC products for mobile owned (not required) ?
  • Time you could dedicate to testing ?

Rc Plane 2 will not work on device pre 3gs generation 🙁


GREAT, GREAT to all who replied to the beta testers call !  We will very soon let you know if you have been selected.

Also, please, don’t post your info as comments to this post, email us at “” or “”